#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist # Last modified: 2023/02/06 08:18 set terminal postscript eps enhanced color 28 lw 2 set output "band.eps" #set terminal png enhanced lw 2 font ",20" #set output "band.png" set ylabel 'Energy (eV)' set ytics 5 unset key x1 = 0.66666666 x2 = 1 xmax = 1.5773 ymin = -20 ymax = 6 ef = -0.4661 set xrange [0:xmax] set yrange [ymin:ymax] set xtics ("{/Symbol G}" 0, "K" x1, "M" x2, "{/Symbol G}" xmax) set arrow 1 nohead from x1,ymin to x1,ymax lt 2 lc "black" set arrow 2 nohead from x2,ymin to x2,ymax lt 2 lc "black" plot 'graphene.band.gnu' using 1:($2-ef) w l