日本語 Nonlinear Dynamics Group (Uchida Group)

Nonlinear Dynamics Group

Area of Research

 Nonlinear dynamics, far-from equibrium systems, theoretical biophysics, pattern formation


 2024/7/24 A paper on collective motion of fish by visual interactions (by Mr. Ito) is published in PNAS Nexus (Press Release).

 2023/11/2 A paper on synchronized swimming of two fish (by Mr. Ito) is published as a Featured Article in Phys. Fluids (Related Article, Press Release).

 2023/7/19 A paper on flow patterns of active nematic liquid crystals under an electric field (by Mr. Kinoshita) is published in Phys. Rev. E.

 2023/4/5 An article on formation of giant vortices of fish (by Mr. Ito) is published in Butsuri.

 2022/11/15 A paper on synchronization and frustration of mobile coupled oscillators (by Mr. Li) is published in Phys. Rev. E.

 2022/5/31 A paper on formation of giant vortices of fish (by Mr. Ito) is published as an Editor's Choice in J. Phys. Soc. Japan (Related Articles 1, 2).

 2022/5/19 A paper on the effect of gravity on the patterns of fish schools (by Mr. Ito) is published in EPL.

 2022/3/7 A collaborative paper on the locomotive patterns of centipedes is published in Bioinspir. Biomim.

 2021/11/22 A paper on pattern formation in repulsive non-locally coupled oscillators (by Mr. Li) is published in Phys. Rev. E.

 2021/8/6 A collaborative paper on the stability of ciliary metachronal waves is published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.


 UCHIDA Nariya (Assoc. Prof.)


 LI Bojun (DC)

 ITO Susumu (DC)



 QIN Jing (MC)

 QIN Zichen (MC)

 ZHAO Luekai (MC)

 Phillip Richard NIMPHIUS (MC)

 WAKAHARA Yukinori (MC)

(DC/MC/BC: doctoral/master/bachelor course, RS: research student)


UCHIDA Nariya  uchida [AT] cmpt.phys.tohoku.ac.jp

Updated: 2024/7/24